Spring周报 - 2022.6.28

Hi,Spring粉丝们,欢迎来到新一期的Spring周报!我在大苹果(纽约别称)纽约写的这个!我来这里参加 SpringOne Tour 2022 NYC。这是我疫情后第一次回纽约,这真是太有趣了。我见到了很多多年没见的朋友。我甚至碰到了一些我不知道会和我同时在城里的人。纽约就像一块有趣的磁铁,吸引着有趣的人。总之,我们有很多东西要写在这里,所以让我们开始吧。

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I’m writing this from the Big Apple, New York City! I’m here for the SpringOne Tour 2022 NYC event. This is my first time back in New York City since before the pandemic and it has been so much fun. I’ve been catching up with people I’ve not seen in years. I even accidentally bumped into people I had no idea was going to also be in town at the same time as I was. New York City is like a magnet for fun, and for fun people. Anyway, we’ve got a lot of stuff to get to this roundup, so let’s dive right into it.

同时:如果你正在看这个,今天 - 6月28号 - 申请参加 SpringOne 2022 的最后一天,今年12月在我的家乡加州旧金山举办!

Also: if you’re just reading this, today - the 28th of June - is the last day to submit to SpringOne 2022, being held in my hometown of San Francisco, California, in December of this year!