Spring周报 - 2022.8.16

嗨,Spring 粉丝们!欢迎来到另一个充满奇迹的 Spring 周报!已经一个星期了!有时我自己都不敢相信。你能相信已经是 8 月 16 日了吗?我女儿这周开始上学了!我们在北半球,她的暑假已经结束了。不过,夏天还有一个月和的一些变化。所以,我希望你们都尽你所能,在黑暗和寒冷的月份到来之前最大限度地享受它。

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another wonder-filled installment of This Week in Spring! It’s been a week! Sometimes I can scarcely believe it myself. And can you believe it’s August 16th already?? My daughter’s starting school this week! We’re in the northern hemisphere, and Summer break is already over and done with for her. There’s still another month and some change of summer, officially, though. So, I hope you all are doing whatever you can to maximize your enjoyment of it before the darker and colder months arrive.

Twitter 帮助我打发时间。我一直在编写一些代码,并希望在应用程序中使用 Twitter 的 OAuth 2 和 PKCE 支持,但无法完全实现。所以我联系了我的朋友(每个人的朋友,真的!)和 Spring Security 负责人 Rob Winch (@rob_winch) 寻找一些线索,他做得更好:他整理了一个示例,展示了这一切!谢谢,罗伯!我喜欢 Spring Security,一个重要的原因是它背后的团队令人惊叹、乐于助人和放纵。而且我喜欢推特(无论如何,大多数时候)。

Twitter helps me pass the time. I’ve been working on some code and wanted to use Twitter’s OAuth 2 and PKCE support in the application but couldn’t quite make it work. So I pinged my pal (everybody’s pal, really!) and Spring Security lead Rob Winch (@rob_winch) for some clues, and he did me one better: he put together a sample that demonstrates it all in action! Thanks, Rob! I love Spring Security and a huge reason is because of the amazing and helpful and indulgent team behind it. And I love Twitter (most of the time, anyway).

对我来说,这是 Twitter 上忙碌的一周!在上面,我问人们在 Kubernetes 上使用什么来实现他们的可观测性,发现在我 25 多年的软件写作中,我什么都不知道)等等!在这里,你这个愚蠢的读者,你可能很高兴在你的非 Twitter 生活中保持高效,不是吗?好吧,让我告诉你:你错过了! 或者,我不能强调这一点,你可能不是。这也可能是真的。所以,继续。 我们应该继续。毕竟,本周我们有一个 heckuva 综述!所以,事不宜迟……

It’s been a busy week on Twitter for me! On it, I asked what people are using for their observability stacks on Kubernetes, figured out that for my 25+ years in writing software, I don’t know anything, and so much more! And here, you silly reader you, you’ve probably been happy being all productive in your off-Twitter life, haven’t ya? Well, let me tell you: you’re missing out!

Or, and I can’t stress this enough, you’re probably not. That’s probably true, too. So, carry on.

And we shall carry on, too. After all, we’ve got one heckuva roundup this week! So, without further ado…